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Tips To Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking fear which is known as glossophobia, where the average person ranks the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death , could be harming your professional and personal life.

Speaking skills are essential to progress in a professional environment, whether we're giving an official presentation to an audience or just asking for a promotion from our boss.

Keep reading if you want to learn how…

The Art of Oratory - Getting the Attention of the Audience!

Let's face it first: People's attention span is very short. And if you don't hook them up right away, they will most likely lose interest right away. You can start by asking a question, telling a story, making a joke, or by playing a video. Whatever you do, don't start by saying "The topic I'm going to talk about today is…" or "Hello, my name is…". Such an opening bores people. Remember to use something remarkable at first.

Give a Preview of Your Speech!

People want to know in advance what they are in for. That's why we watch movie trailers. Most of us don't want to go to a movie we don't know what it is about. Speeches are no different from a movie. This is a big mistake usually made by most speakers. Most speakers forget to preview key points. This can sometimes be done by the presenter to generate interest among the audience.

The Art of Oratory - Be Active During Your Speech!

I'm sure, many of you have been in an audience with a boring speaker. That speaker could be a teacher, a professor, or someone you just want to hear speaking. But nothing will put the listener to sleep faster than a monotonous person who does not move or use any gestures. I've witnessed some of the public speakers and figures that put most of the students into sleep mode.

Don't Read Your Speech From Screen!

A person reading his speech will do nothing but put his audience to sleep. Yes, there are certain times where reading is convenient, as in the graduation speech. However, rather than reading the entire transcript, it may be more convenient to look at a sheet of keywords just to remember the outline of what you need to talk about. Speaking by presenting the main topics in a "PowerPoint" presentation is an excellent way to achieve this.

Plan the Main Points You Will Cover So That Your Speech Has A Structure!

I'm sure you've heard some people talk about being randomly dragged from here and there. Because there are no main points of the topic to be discussed. In your speech, you must have a prepared "Road Map".

MAKE Connections Between the Main Points of Conversation!

Having transitions between parts of speech ensures that the speech structure is solid. Review your main points. Make the audience feel where you are going in your speech by using sentences such as "Now that we have examined the problem in detail, let's talk about some possible alternative solutions" in the intermediate transitions. And in the last episode, by saying something as simple as “In conclusion…” or “To summarize what we talked about today…” you also signal to the audience that your speech has come to an end.

Tell Stories!

Everyone loves stories. We all live in the world of stories: we watch TV, movies and read novels. We even tell our friends what happened to us in the form of stories. Stories are everywhere. So using them in your conversation helps people connect with the topic and with you as a speaker. In your conversations, you can tell personal stories about the topic. You can also plan to make them laugh from time to time. After all, who doesn't like to laugh?

After all, Review Your Main Points Again!

People have poor memory. The repetition of the main lines in the last section helps to remember the information. “First tell them what you will review, then tell them key points, then summarize what you said them before”. While briefly summarizing what you said may seem like unnecessary repetition, it helps people get your information better.

Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse!

I can always say that someone "wears wings" while speaking. Because the situation is clear and you say to yourself, " This person knows the ' Art of Oratory ". Preparation and rehearsal are vital to having a good speech. Rehearsing not only contributes to your self-esteem, but also gives you more credibility towards society.

Leave the Audience Wanting More!

Audience you are presenting to should be in a position to want to know more about your topic when your conversation is finished. After the talk, they should come to you and ask you to give another talk on this topic.

Public speaking can be intimidating for many people. However, if you follow these simple suggestions, you will go long way towards becoming a good public speaker.

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